Katerina Panagiotopoulou

I was born in Thessaloniki, Hellas, in 1959: the year of the pink Cadillac, and Tibet's occupation by China.
So that made me a lesbian practicing oriental medicine.
I had a great love and ease with the natural world from birth, if i remember well....and I believe that many people in my generation have gathered here at this time to embody the spirit of nature, to be true earthlings,
Nature was the one to hold and cherish me. Al oneness in childhood freed my soul to nature. Travelling was a way to receive the wisdom and beauty of earth traditions. Art was a way to express more than words. Studying 5 element acupuncture 1981-84 was a way to learn the invisible world and practical spirituality. I went on to study classical acupuncture and NLP, Shen Dao acupressure, Feng Shui, Chinese herbs.
The 5 elements are the living powers in Feng Shui, in the tradition of Asklepeia in Hellas, the 4 Winds of shamanic practices, the compass directions, the 4 movements i physics, same as the 5 emotions and the 5 movements of the seasons.
I started visiting the ancient healing sites: the Asklepeia, allowing these sacred sites to heal me. I was coming into color, becoming human, becoming rich inside.
In January 2000 love and life led me to Holland.
From 2003 I am taking part in the Diamond Approach: The path of presence, meditation and inquiry into human development. All this led to Living with the seasons: The seasons started happening to me while I was working with acupuncture in Eftalou yoga centre. Eftalou is a very powerful ancient sacred site, that heals many people. The volcanic Springs and the magnificent rocks of Eftalou tough me that I am of the same nature. I followed a deep longing to buy a house on the island in Lesvos and go through the motions of the moon, the powerful ebb and flow of all life. The long summers in Eressos healed me, brought about original creativity. There I found the love of my life and moved to Norway. I now run a holistic acupuncture practice in the centre of Oslo, and I teach Living with the Seasons, a guide to health and Human Development. I offer online sessions and courses.